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WP0 - Co-ordination
WP1 - Synergy Specification
WP2 - Information services
WP3 - Knowledge Management Services
WP4 - Mediation Services
WP5 - Implementation
WP6 - Evaluation
WP7 - Dissemination
WP8 - Training
Communities (CoP) PDF Print E-mail

CoPs ?

“Communities of Practice" are groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly”. “Because its constituent terms specify each other, the term “Community of practice” should be viewed as a unit” (Wenger,1998,p72).

11 CoPs are presently involved in the Palette project

These CoPs represent four professional domains: Teaching, Management, Engineering and Health.
They will contribute towards Describing the needs of existing CoPs, Designing an extensible set of informations, knowledge management and mediation services and scenarios supporting CoPs activities all along their life, Developping and implementing these services and scenarios addressing particularly their acceptability, usability, interoperability and knowledge integration and Validating these services and scenarios.

  • ADIRA - ADIRA is a professional association that regroups executive from medium to large companies in Rhone-Alpes (including Rhone-Alpes subsidiaries of large companies) in the IT area, both on users' side (mostly CIOs, but also General managers) and on the suppliers' side.
    Contact: Liliane Esnault, EM LYON.

  • APCdE - APCdE is an emerging CoP that regroups people who accompany entrepreneurs in their projects of creation of a company. This CoP is embedded in the Centre des Entrepreneurs of EM LYON.
    Contact: Liliane Esnault and Naïma Cherchem, EM LYON.
  • @pretic - CoPs of belgian teachers envolved as resources persons to support the uses of ICT in schools
    Contact: Stéphane Rieppi, ULg.
  • ARADEL - ARADEL (Association Rhône-Alpes des professionnels du Développement Economique Local) was created at the request of the local economic developers to favour the exchanges of experience and their professionalization.
    Contact: Liliane Esnault, EM LYON.

  • CoPe-L - CoPe-Learning is a Luxembourgish Cop of 30 representatives of public and private organizations working on e-learning, education and training. This community has as objective to share practices about e-learning in Luxembourg and to promote e-learning activities.
    Contact: Stéphane Jacquemart, CRP-HT.
  • Did@cTIC - CoPs of university teachers and lecturers involved in a staff development programm.
    Contact: Bernadette Charlier, UNIFR.
  • Doctoral Programme Module at the Department of Educational Research (Lancaster University) - The community is a group of 25 higher education teachers and managers completing a taught doctoral programme on higher education teaching and learning. The group attends Lancaster University 4 times a year and is supported remotely by web-based resources and electronic mail.
    Contact: Murray Saunders, CSET Lancaster.

  • ePrep - ePrep is a non-profit French association founded in 2001. ePrep offers an open platform for meetings and for exchanges aiming at launching and accompanying innovative projects in the ICT (information and communication technologies) for education domain, especially for the first higher education cycle in France and French-speaking countries.
    Contact: Nathalie Van de Wiele, ePrep.
  • FORM@HETICE - FORMAtion dans les Hautes Écoles aux Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication pour l’Éducation - It is a network of teachers of 23 High Schools of the French Community of Belgium. It mainly concerns contact persons in Information and Communication Technologies in Education (ICTE) working in the educational department of these schools where the training of future teachers is organised.
    Contact: Arnaud Milstein, ULg.
  • Learn-Nett - Learning Network for Teachers - Lear-Nett gathered teachers and researchers in the field of educational technology from five universities to build and share collective practice. Since 1997, other universities joined the network that now covers Belgium, France, Switzerland and Democratic Republic of Congo.
    Contacts :Amaury Daele and Robert Peeters,  ULg.

  • TFT - TFT is an association of professionals of the health domain (hospitals...) that gathers teachers and workers concerned by the management of learners during in practice training. Around 30 institutions, both school and health institutions, are members of the CoP "Transition-Formation-Travail".
    Contacts: Étienne Vandeput and Klara Grudzien, ULg.
Last Updated ( Tuesday, 27 January 2009 )