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WP0 - Co-ordination
WP1 - Synergy Specification
WP2 - Information services
WP3 - Knowledge Management Services
WP4 - Mediation Services
WP5 - Implementation
WP6 - Evaluation
WP7 - Dissemination
WP8 - Training
PALETTE Presentations
September 6-19, 2008 - ACM DocEng08 conference - Sao Polo, Brazil
An Export Architecture for a Multimedia Authoring Environment 
Authors:  Mikac, J., Roisin, C., Le Du, B.
February 10-15, 2008 – ACHI'2008 - The First International Conference on Advances in Computer Human Interaction, Sainte Luce, France

Turning Web 2.0 Social Software into Versatile Collaborative Learning Solutions
Authors: Gillet, D., El Helou,S., Yu, C.M.,Salzmann, Ch.
November 30, 2007 – ePrep communication at Online Educa Berlin  (Parallel session session Web 2.0 linked to Education 2.0)

Birth and development of a CoP inspired and supported by PALETTE
Author: Van de Wiele, N.
Summary: The history and emergence of the ePrep CoP and its development through the CoP projects
See the presentation
November 28, 2007 – “Thinktable” meeting at Bern

The PALETTE project: a palette of tools for supporting CoPs' activities
Author: Charlier, B., Miniaoui S.
Summary: Presentation of PALETTE project and its set of services in a scenario-centric way, to a group of KM manager working with many organizations (NGOs and companies).
See the presentation  
November 19, 2007 - Future Internet/IPv6 and FP7: 2-day International Networking event in the context of the Ni-Hao Project, Beijing, China.

Supporting Collaboration, Enhancing Learning
Author: Karacapilidis, N.
Summary: e-Collaboration & e-Learning (requirements & challenges, issues to be addressed), The PALETTE project (CoPe_it!, e-Logbook), FP7 - Call 3 (related objectives, ideas for collaboration).
See the presentation
October 25, 2007 - LICEF Conference ("Laboratoire en Informatique Cognitive et Environnements de Formation") - Université du Québec, Montreal, Canada
Design, develop and implement a participatory design methodology: first evaluation results
Authors: Charlier, B.
Summary: This presentation presents and analyses after 18 months the main refinements of the participatory design method implemented in the project.
October 9, 2007 - Xe rencontres du Réseau REF ("Réseau international de recherche en Education et Formation") 2007: "Apprendre et formet entre l'individuel et le collectif" - Sherbrooke, Qc, Canada
Capitaliser les pratiques d'enseignement: un enjeu de recherche et de formation
Authors:Charlier, B.
Summary: Presentation of Did@ctic CoP, and how PALETTE project can answer to its needs.
August 28, 2007 - AREF 2007 - Strasbourg, France
Le design participatif pour des solutions adaptées à l'activité des communautés de pratique
Authors: Charlier,B., Henri, F.
Summary: Le concept de communauté de pratique, de plus en plus populaire, a été exploité pour orienter le projet européen PALETTE. Dans cet article nous présentons en introduction l’approche de ce concept qui a été adoptée dans ce projet ainsi que les postulats qui en fondent les buts. Nous justifions ensuite notre option pour une méthode de design participatif et en présentons les principales étapes. Enfin, sur la base d’une analyse d’une première année de mise en œuvre, nous soulignons les apports de cette méthode, comme ses contraintes. Enfin, nous concluons en formulant quelques questions soulevées par l’application du design participatif.
See PowerPoint presentation  
April 13, 2007 - LICEF, Télé-Université-UQAM - Montréal, Canada
The PALETTE Project
Authors: Daele, A., Lessard, L.
Summary: Presentation of PALETTE project 
March 21, 2007 - 12e Rencontres de l'Orme - Marseille, France
The PALETTE project and CoPs, the example of the ePrep CoP
Author: Van de Wiele, N.
Summary: Presentation of the ePrep CoP in the framework of the PALETTE project 

November 17, 2006 - ePrep Conference in Educ@TICE event - Paris, France
Technology Enhanced Learning and International cooperation for higher education, concrete examples
Author: Van de Wiele, N.
Summary: During this Conference, C. Vanoirbeek, PALETTE Scientific Coordinator, presents the PALETTE objectives
On this occasion, AEF has prepared an article 
October 30, 2006 - First ePrep Thematic Workshop - Sousse, Tunisia
Launch of the ePrep CoP in the framework of the PALETTE project
Author: Van de Wiele, N.
Summary: Presentation of the PALETTE project by C. Vanoirbeek, PALETTE Scientific Coordinator, Rapporteur of the Parallel Session "Which tools for the ePrep CoP"?

May 26, 2006 - TICE Med 06 - Genoa, Italy
The PALETTE Project
Author: Van de Wiele, N.
Summary: Promotion of PALETTE's tools to Mediterranean-based researchers and teachersin the field of education
Collaborative learning and communities of PRACTICE -First experience from the European Project Palette
Charlier, B., Esnault, L. - Panel accepted for the IADIS International Conference e-Learning, July 8th 2007

For more than ten years, Communities of Practice (CoPs) have been recognized as effective environments to support learning by professionals, organisations and educational institutions. Collaborative learning is inherent in such communities, in that their members learn from each other by making their knowledge and practices explicit, sharing them with their peers, and reflecting on them. This panel aims at discussing the interaction between learning processes and Communities of Practice, along three dimensions: (i) studying learning processes in CoPs; (ii) using Communities of Practice for fostering, sustaining and tutoring authentic learning activities; (iii) including Communities of Practice awareness in training to foster the further building of Communities of Practice.