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WP0 - Co-ordination
WP1 - Synergy Specification
WP2 - Information services
WP3 - Knowledge Management Services
WP4 - Mediation Services
WP5 - Implementation
WP6 - Evaluation
WP7 - Dissemination
WP8 - Training
  • Currently 1.78/5

Rating 1.8/5 (32 votes)

Semantic Faq service consists of a Web portal offering the navigation in the @pretic CoP discussions using semantic Web technologies to ensure intelligent information retrieval from mails. The ontology-based retrieval and navigation tasks are made possible thanks to a preliminary phase consisting of semi-automatic annotation of the mails
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  • Currently 2.11/5

Rating 2.1/5 (38 votes)

Through the Web portal, users are provided with a way of customizing access to Palette services by adding and removing Palette widgets, i.e. small Web applications that provide a summarized view and an access to current tools used by CoP members.
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  • Currently 2.30/5

Rating 2.3/5 (37 votes)

The LimSee3 project aims at developping a new-generation open source template-based multimedia authoring tool relying on the SMIL standard. The project is carried out by the INRIA WAM team, as part of a european research project, Palette. LimSee3 development benefits from the team's experience acquired with LimSee2, an already established SMIL editor.
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  • Currently 2.11/5

Rating 2.1/5 (37 votes)

Amaya logoAmaya is a Web editor, i.e. a tool used to create and update documents directly on the Web. Browsing features are seamlessly integrated with the editing and remote access features in a uniform environment. This follows the original vision of the Web as a space for collaboration and not just a one-way publishing medium.
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  • Currently 2.22/5

Rating 2.2/5 (36 votes)

DocReuse logoDocReuse (Document Reuse) is a tool enabling the semi-automatic reuse of structured documents. In our work, document reuse is the problem of restructuring existing documents initially structured for a given purpose to be used in a different context, thus improving reusability and information sharing between communities of practice.
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  • Currently 1.69/5

Rating 1.7/5 (36 votes)

This BayFac service aims at providing a mean to semi-automatically index textual documents (documents, emails, forum posts, wiki pages, blog posts, etc.) regarding a vector of concepts relevant to a CoP, hence allowing classification according to multiple facets.
The benefits for the users are to have incoming documents automatically classified according to known useful categories, and to be able to search information in a more efficient manner thanks to this indexation.

| 1976 Hits |

  • Currently 2.77/5

Rating 2.8/5 (43 votes)

Sweetwiki logoSweetWiki (Semantic WEb Enabled Technology Wiki) is a new wiki engine written in java. It has been developed around the semantic web technologies by researchers from the Acacia research group at INRIA and from the Mainline reseach group at the I3S laboratory.
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  • Currently 2.20/5

Rating 2.2/5 (51 votes)

Copeit logoCoPe_it! Is a Web-based system that attempts to assist and augment collaboration being held among members of Communities of Practice by facilitating the creation, leveraging and utilization of the relevant knowledge. The system follows an argumentative reasoning approach, which complies with collaborative principles and practices.
| 1989 Hits |

  • Currently 1.95/5

Rating 2.0/5 (44 votes)

eLogbook logoeLogbook is a collaborative web-based environment offering mediation & awareness services to communities of practice. It consists of an activity-oriented shared space where members can manipulate stored assets.
| 2041 Hits |


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