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WP0 - Co-ordination
WP1 - Synergy Specification
WP2 - Information services
WP3 - Knowledge Management Services
WP4 - Mediation Services
WP5 - Implementation
WP6 - Evaluation
WP7 - Dissemination
WP8 - Training
Documents & deliverables PDF Print E-mail
The first deliverable of WP2 (D.INF.01 ) is a report on the architecture of information services. It presents the main principles that provide the basis for multimedia document authoring and structured document reuse. A template language for helping authors in the structuring of compound documents is proposed, as well as an object model for representing multimedia documents. The main principles of document reuse are discussed. They relate to schema matching and transformation generation.
The second deliverable (D.INF.02 ) is the first implementation of the template language integrated in the Amaya web authoring tool. 
The deliverable D.INF.03 presents the first version of the LimSee3 multimedia authoring tool. It briefly describes the context in which this tool was designed, and describes the main features of this version, and its limitations. The LimSee3's use is illustrated through an extensive example.
The prototype version of DocReuse, a web-based application that supports the reuse of structured documents, is described in the deliverable D.INF.04 .
The deliverable D.INF.05 presents the second version of Palette authoring services developed in workpackage 2. It provides an introduction to the new features that were introduced in version 10 of the Amaya web editor and in version 1.0 of the LimSee3 multimedia editor.
In the deliverable D.INF.06 WP2 investigates the problem of XTiger templates evolution. They first discuss the different kinds of changes that may be needed to evolve a template based on motivating examples. Starting from a set of template modification primitives, they show how the new template is valid according to the XTiger language), and how all existing instances could be transformed to conform to the modified template. Finally, they describe the current prototype user interface.
The deliverable D.INF.07 describes the final releases of information services. It details the changes made from the latest releases for authoring tools: Amaya and LimSee3, and structured document reuse services: Template-driven structuring, template-driven evolution and template-driven eXtraction. Technical implementations are detailed as well as the use of these tools within Palette CoPs.
Last Updated ( Thursday, 22 January 2009 )
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