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WP0 - Co-ordination
WP1 - Synergy Specification
WP2 - Information services
WP3 - Knowledge Management Services
WP4 - Mediation Services
WP5 - Implementation
WP6 - Evaluation
WP7 - Dissemination
WP8 - Training
Documents and deliverables PDF Print E-mail

D.PAR.01: Grid of analysis supporting the participative design methodology (M6)
Participatory design

  • Theoretical framework including principles of Actor Network Theory and of the Agile Methodology
  • Description of twelve sub-processes
CoPs observation
  • CoPs’ observer animation cell
  • Community of CoPs’ observers
  • Guide for interviews
  • Data collect
  • Data analysis
D.PAR.02: Categorization of tools (M6)

About tools

  • Tools taxonomy
  • Tools used by CoPs
  • Tools developed within PALETTE
  • External tools

First clarification of the notion of scenario and use of scenarios within PALETTE

  • Short literature review
  • Different scenarios’ views
  • Formalism to describe the scenarios

D.PAR.03: Description of 6 scenarios and of the results of 6 validated trials (M18)

Summary:  The D.PAR.03 aims at presenting and analysing the processes of elaboration and validation of the PALETTE scenarios. After having defined these two processes and situated them within the PALETTE methodology, the scenarios are presented. For each scenario, the specific methodology of elaboration and validation is described with a special focus on the participation of the concerned Communities of Practice (CoPs). Then the results of the validation are presented as well as the reports on their technical feasibility and the usability of PALETTE services from a user perspective.

D.PAR.04: User centered description of PALETTE tools and services, and first analysis of usability (M24)

Summary:  This deliverable aims at providing any CoP member, CoP animator or CoP mediator with the most complete view of the PALETTE tools and services. It gives a voice to the developer, the educationalist, the ergonomist and of course the user to explain how they consider them. So, it suggests use cases, scenarios but also shows to the reader where are the obstacles of use (with the aim of avoiding a too quick discouragement on his/her part) and it provides real users’ testimonies.

D.PAR.07: Second analysis of usability (M30)

Summary:  This deliverable aims at measuring the collaboration between developers and expert users (researchers/CoP mediators) in charge of a usability analysis of the PALETTE tools and services. It compares, from an ergonomic point of view, the development of these tools and services at an early time of the project with the current and future developments.

D.PAR.05 : Participatory design methodological instruments and good practices (M34)

Summary: This deliverable documents the implementation of Participatory Design within the PALETTE project. The document presents the unrolling of the project with an emphasis on two main different aspects:

  • how the Participatory Design methodology was operationalised and instrumentalised; almost forty different instruments were specifically designed, implemented, trialled and assessed during the project life cycle;
  • how the different actors of the project were involved in the participatory design process; the design of the generic scenarios is analysed from an Actor-Network Theory perspective; an emphasis is put on the role and activities of a given kind of actors who are typical of PALETTE spirit: the mediators.

D.PAR.06: Conceptual instruments for self-analysis, learning and developments of CoPs  (M34)

Summary: The purpose of this deliverable is to present the researches that have been led for modelling learning and activities in CoPs. On the basis of these models, we developed Learning and Organisational Resources (LORs) that are short activity scenarios aiming at developing learning, collaboration and uses of technological services in CoPs. The LORs are especially focused on the Generic Scenarios developed by WP5 and presented in D.IMP.08 i.e. ‘Reification’, ‘Debate & Decide’, and ‘Identity building’. The LORs have been trialled and evaluated by CoPs. In the conclusions, we synthesize the evaluation accounts from the CoPs and we provide advices for the use of the LORs by CoPs from various domains and contexts.

D.PAR.08 : Analysis of instrumental genesis lived by the CoPs (M34)

Summary: The research presented in this deliverable aimed at observing and analysing the use of PALETTE services in authentic CoP contexts. We first present our conceptual framework based on the instrumental genesis theory. We then present our methodology for the generation of data and the analysis. Seven cases of design in use of PALETTE services and scenarios by CoPs are then described and analysed. In the discussion section, we carry out a cross-case analysis aiming at highlighting the common conditions of use of the services through the seven analysed cases. This discussion provides reflection that may inform the use of PALETTE services by other CoPs in other contexts. Finally, in the conclusion, we reflect on our methodological approach and results, and provide guidelines for further research.



Last Updated ( Thursday, 22 January 2009 )
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