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WP8 - Training
Documents and Deliverables PDF Print E-mail
Besides the training resources, the WP8 issues two main productions:
    The Palette training catalog gives the extensive list of training activities performed in the framework of the project.

    A first version has been submitted in July 2007 (D.TRA.01)  and  the final one will be available in July 2008.

  • Concept and design for PALETTE AWARENESS SEMINARS
    This document presents the main concepts and pedagogical scenarios - including framework for evaluation of the learning process - developed for awareness seminars (D.TRA.02)

Produced in August 2007.

  • Strategy for external training
    This document explains the strategy proposed by the PALETTE partners relative to external training activities (D.TRA.03)

Produced in March 2008.

This document describes the main strategic implementation of the external training policy of the PALETTE project, i.e. the PALETTE-PROLEARN Summer School held in Ohrid (Republic of Macedonia) in June 2008. The document presents the finalisation of the organisation, the unrolling of the Summer School, the valuation and the direct outputs of the Summer School. It also analyses the cross fertilisation between the TEL community and the PALETTE community which occurred during the Summer School.
Produced in January 2009. 


Last Updated ( Friday, 30 January 2009 )
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