SweetWiki (Semantic WEb Enabled Technology Wiki) is a new wiki engine written in java. It has been developed around the semantic web technologies by researchers from the Acacia research group at INRIA and from the Mainline reseach group at the I3S laboratory.
- Adil El Ghali (adil.elghali@sophia.inria.fr) mediator
- Michel Buffa (Michel.Buffa@sophia.inria.fr)
- Fabien Gandon (Fabien.Gandon@sophia.inria.fr)
Web site:
Summary: Semantic WEb Enabled Wiki. Edit Wiki pages and tag them with keywords, and we will organize them for you in an ease way!
How to use it: Web portal, Web service
License: CeCILL-C
Components: Written in java, JavaServerPages (JSP) based. Tested with the J2EE server Tomcat 5.5.x.
Guest account: Possibility to play in the SandBox. Otherwise, you have to create an account.
Last Updated ( Monday, 16 June 2008 )