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WP4 - Mediation Services
WP5 - Implementation
WP6 - Evaluation
WP7 - Dissemination
WP8 - Training
Documents & deliverables PDF Print E-mail
  • D.IMP.01 - First guidelines for development
Summary: This document presents the initial agreement between partners on the adoption of relevant standards, the choice of main technical options and, the specification of procedures to be followed or the setting up of the PALETTE services plattform. A classification of standards is proposed in order to share understanding on the role of these standards and, provide a reference framework for anchoring the further adoption of additional standards during the project life.  A methodological approach is described, currently based on the building up of three cross cutting teams aiming at defining scenarios of use and precising the required interoperability level between services.
  • D.IMP.02 - First implementation of the PALETTE Web services repository
Summary: This deliverable describes the first prototype version of PALETTE Web services repository, its generic functionalities and current state. The document points also the main issues to be addressed in the future.
  • D.IMP.03 - Revised specifications of services and guidelines for services orchestration
Summary: This deliverable sets the context for the provision of the revised functional specifications of PALETTE services and the guidelines for the orchestration of services. 
  • D.IMP.04 - Updated version of guidelines for development
Summary:  This document updates the guidelines for development of Palette services. It continues the analysis of CoP’s needs that was initiated in a previous deliverable (D.IMP.03) towards the identification of interoperability requirements and solutions. This document then examines some architectures that could support the related interactions between heterogeneous services. Then, it proposes a Palette Service Platform Architecture that properly supports the registration, discovery and delivery of different services. It also makes statements about the types of communication protocols to be used for the interaction between services. Finally, this document makes clear statements about the methods and techniques that should be applied to harmonize the Palette services for the better usability of services when they are combined by an end-user.
  • D.IMP.05 -  First version of PALETTE Integration: Conceptual and Technical Integration
Summary: The purpose of this deliverable is to provide a first version of PALETTE integration, distinguishing between conceptual integration and technical integration. More specifically, the conceptual integration concerns the design, implementation and validation of generic scenarios.
  • D.IMP.06 - First version of PALETTE services delivery framework
Summary:  This document presents the first version of the Palette Services Delivery Framework (PSDF), which provides the end-user tools to search, choose and exploit Palette services. Search and choose can be performed using a web access: the Palette Service Browser, which provides access to registered services and widgets thanks to the PSRF API. Exploitation is in particular provided by the Palette Service Portal, which is a customizable portal based on the W3C Widgets proposal, allowing endusers to access services through small web applications (widgets). An overview of methods to integrate Palette services at the presentation layer is provided. Finally, a solution for global-awareness between services and user is presented: the Cross Awareness Knowledge Base (CAKB). Annexes are included, explaining in particular how to create widgets and integrate them in a portal, and providing the CAKB ontology and example of RSS feed it uses.
  • D.IMP.07 -  Final version of PALETTE registry and delivery framework
Summary: This document presents the final version of the PALETTE Services Registry and Delivery Frameworks, which will be made available for communities. The PALETTE Services Delivery Framework (PSDF) aims at providing potential users with an easy overview, access and management facilities to the palette of services resulting from the PALETTE project. The PSDF is linked to the PALETTE Services Registry Framework (PSRF), which provides a registry where all PALETTE services are referenced. It provides user-oriented interfaces to the PSRF: the PALETTE Services Browser (PSB) and the PALETTE Services Portal (PSP). A specific section is dedicated to interwidget communication in the PSP, which is a main achievement allowing composition of services at the presentation level. Last changes and enhancements on these frameworks, as far as their first version is concerned (see D.IMP.04 , D.IMP.05 and D.IMP.06 ), are also presented in this document. In particular a usability study is proposed and taken into account in the enhancements.
  • D.IMP.08 - Instances of implementation of PALETTE scenarios
Summary: This document presents the instances of implementation of PALETTE scenarios. Three generic scenarios are developed into scenario instances and scenario situations. The later ones are contextualized for a particular Community Of Practices (CoP), while the former ones are more abstract and should be applicable to different communities in different contexts. These scenarios are the result of the interactions between all the project members and the CoP members, most of the situations have been tested. The document also presents the functional and user interface modifications made to support some chains of interaction between services as required per the scenarios. It presents the corresponding four support services and the pair-wise integrations of two services. The four support services are an identity management service (Single Sign-On), a common repository, a search engine over common services (CroSSE), and a Cross-Awareness Knowledge Base (CAKB). To some extent this report can be read as a synthesis of the preceding D.IMP reports on interoperability. It can be read by anyone interested in combing services to support CoPs.
Last Updated ( Thursday, 22 January 2009 )
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