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WP0 - Co-ordination
WP1 - Synergy Specification
WP2 - Information services
WP3 - Knowledge Management Services
WP4 - Mediation Services
WP5 - Implementation
WP6 - Evaluation
WP7 - Dissemination
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Documents & deliverables
Page 2
  • D.MED.01 - Prototype of the web-based tool supporting argumentative collaboration towards learning - Produced  in July 2006

Summary: This deliverable describes the prototype version of CoPe_it!, a web-based tool that supports argumentative collaboration towards learning. The prototype is in a demonstrable form, and can be used and tested through the web ( This deliverable presents the rationality behind its development, its generic features and functionalities, its technical specifications, and its deliberate limitations. Furthermore, it comprises a brief discussion on related approaches and an outline of issues to be considered for the forthcoming evolution of CoPe_it! within the context of Palette. 

  • D.MED.05 - Functional Specifications of Argumentative Collaboration Services - Produced in January 2007
Summary: This document defines the functional specifications of the argumentative collaboration services to be developed within the framework of the IST project Palette. More specifically, it justifies the need for providing such services to communities and it describes the functionality of the specified services from a user's perspective. 
  • D.MED.03 - First version of the e-Logbook tool supporting exchange of atrefacts at both community and technical level - Produced in June 2007
Summary: This document presents the first version of the e-Logbook tool by introducing its features and functions, which are intended to support communication and collaboration. the e-Logbook tool is accessible online at
  • D.MED.02 - First operational version of the web-based tool supporting argumentative collaboration towards learning - Produced  in July 2007
Summary: This document presents the functionality of the tool, the basic concepts behind it, as well as the various views and projections available for the visualization of the argumentative process.CoPe_it! is available on the web, at
  • D.MED.09 - Technical specifications of collaboration support and tools as web services- Produced in December 2007
Summary: This document presents the technical specifications of the services that will be published by the two tools being developed in the context of WP4, namely CoPe_it! and e-Logbook. The intended audience of this document are designers  and developers of the PALETTE project. The document informs them on wich collaboration services will be available and how they can use them into their tools.
  •  D.MED.06 - Second operational version of CoPe_it!  - Produced in February 2008
Summary: This document reports on the second operational version of CoPe_it! (v.2.2, release: February 28, 2008). It should be read as a continuation of the deliverable D.MED.02. More specifically, this document focuses on the new functionality added in the tool’s second operational version, while it also indicates amendments done towards improving the functionality of its first operational version (such amendments took into account the work carried out in the context of WP1 and WP4). In addition, the document gives two illustrative examples of the tool’s use and outlines future development plans.
  •  D.MED.07 - Second version of the e-Logbook - Produced in March 2008
Summary: The purpose of this deliverable is to present the second version of the e-Logbook tool by introducing its features and functions, especially the implemented awareness functions, the email-based interface of e-Logbook, and the interoperability of e-Logbook with Web applications. The e-Logbook tool is accessible online at .

Last Updated ( Monday, 02 February 2009 )
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