The PALETTE project aims at facilitating and augmenting individual and organisational learning in Communities of Practice (CoPs). Towards this aim, an interoperable and extensible set of innovative services as well as a set of specific scenarios of use have been designed, implemented and thoroughly validated in CoPs of diverse contexts.
The above services and scenarios support:
Download the 1st Year Executive Summary of PALETTE project.
Download the 2nd Year Executive Summary of PALETTE project.
2008 ePrep International Workshop, Gif-sur-Yvette, May 16 and 17, 2008 |
Having as its patrons Valérie PECRESSE, French Minister for Higher Education and Research, and Xavier DARCOS, French Minister for Education, this fourth edition of the ePrep Workshop (Supélec, Campus de Gif-sur-Yvette, May 16 & 17, 2008), on the theme “ ICT for Education, for which pedagogical efficiency?”, brought together 117 participants with 11 countries represented (Algeria, Belgium, Canada, China, Côte d'Ivoire, Djibouti, France, Italy, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Switzerland). It achieved the goals it set itself very successfully: to create the ideal environment for information and discussion, leading to a consensus as to the foundations for a programme of actions.
With an opening address by Patricia MANSON - Head of Unit Cultural Heritage and Technology Enhanced Learning, Directorate E, DG Infso, European Commission – and a plenary session entitled “The ePrep Community of Practice projects” moderated by Christine VANOIRBEEK - PALETTE Scientific Coordinator -, the 2008 ePrep International Workshop was an opportunity to disseminate PALETTE goals and achievements (with demonstrations of PALETTE tools and services in the “Practical demonstrations” Parallel Session). The Workshop Proceedings are available online |
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 24 September 2008 ) |
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