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WP0 - Co-ordination
WP1 - Synergy Specification
WP2 - Information services
WP3 - Knowledge Management Services
WP4 - Mediation Services
WP5 - Implementation
WP6 - Evaluation
WP7 - Dissemination
WP8 - Training
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Context: It is a community of entrepreneurs’ coaches, their objectives is to follow a creator of firm and training about the knowledge, competences and methods to create and/or renewal a firm.
History: The specific CoP of Project Coaches is emerging. There are more and more people involved coming from different background (professors, experts, former entrepreneurs, business managers, etc.) and they need some formalisation and reification of their practice (objectives, methodology, guide book, check lists, typical schedules, typical process, roles of actors, etc.)

  • fostering entrepreneurship through training, experience sharing, coaching and advisementhelping entrepreneurs
  • to set up their project and build their network
Entrepreneurs' coaches:
  • work on a one-to-one basis with each entrepreneur
  • provide support, methodology, expertise contacts and networking
  • based on personal previous experience and merely tacit knowledge
  • Entrepreneurs (participants in one of the two training programs)
  • Former entrepreneurs Advisers and experts (Business Angels, bankers, investment funds, accountants, counsellors, etc.)
  • Professors and trainers (practitioners and academics)
  • Heads of the CdE
Practice: Coaching entrepreneurs, training on entrepreneurship,

Communication tools: Phone, e-mail, face-to-face

Not for the emerging CoP, but archives for the entrepreneurship projects

  • Entrepreneurship values
  • Entrepreneurial posture (entrepreneurial orientation)
Links: The link person for this CoP is Liliane Esnault and Naima Cherchem
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 13 February 2008 )
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