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Home arrow News Archive arrow PALETTE in Thot - Nouvelles de la formation à distance - October 23, 2007


WP0 - Co-ordination
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WP2 - Information services
WP3 - Knowledge Management Services
WP4 - Mediation Services
WP5 - Implementation
WP6 - Evaluation
WP7 - Dissemination
WP8 - Training
PALETTE in Thot - Nouvelles de la formation à distance - October 23, 2007 PDF Print E-mail
 "Thot - Nouvelles de la formation à distance" , is one of the most important sites (in French) in the e-learning actors' community, with 30 500 professional subscribers around the world.
The collaborative work of PALETTE members with Communities of Practice has been presented in the news "Panorama des communautés de pratique" posted on 23rd October 2007. Several CoPs and working groups are referenced in this article, such as ADIRA, ePrep, @pretic.
At the same time, Thot posted a news presented the "Seminaire International Thématique ePrep" , to be held on 5-6 November in Lyon, France.
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 21 May 2008 )
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