This page describes the PALETTE Services with no user interface or under development, i.e. dedicated to the developers of other user-oriented PALETTE and Non-PALETTE Services
- Generis - Generis is a knowledge management tool working as a web platform treating knowledge as information within some context. It is an ontology server able to work in a distributed way. Generis allows collaborative creation, edition and management of models representing the concepts of a particular domain as well as relations between these concepts and annotations of web resources according to these concepts and relations.
Contact: Patrick Plichart, CRP-HT.
- SeWeSe - SeWeSe is a semantic web application development platform offering common functionalities of knowledge management. It relies on the semantic engine Corese. The goal of SeWeSe is to rovide reusable, configurable and extensible primitives and components in order to reduce the amount of time spent to develop new semantic web applications. Developers can then ocus on the applications specificities. Corese/SeWeSe can be used in three different ways depending on the nature of the application that use it:
- JSP taglib to be used in a JSP webapp, the semtags allow JSP developers to use (and work with) RDF/S and OWL ontologies and annotations in their JSP pages. The API describing this taglib is provided at: ;
- Web services: some of the functionalities are provided as SOAP web services: 1) Semantic Engine Administration, 2) Ontologies management, 3) Annotations management and 4) Semantic Retrieval on these resources.
Contacts: Adil El Ghali, Fabien Gandon, INRIA Sophia Antipolis.
Last Updated ( Monday, 26 October 2009 )