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Press Release - September 12, 2007 Print
2nd International Workshop on Building Technology Enhanced Learning solutions for Communities of Practice 
Location: Crete, Greece
In the framework of the FP6 European Project PALETTE, the Computer Technology Institute (CTI), associated with the University of Patras, Greece, organize an international workshop on Building Technology Enhanced Learning solutions for Communities of Practice, held in conjunction with the 2nd European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, Crete, on 17 September 2007. This event is supported by the Professional Learning Cluster (PRO-LC) and constitutes a unique platform for members of EU projects to exchange on their respective progresses and to present their achievements at an international level.

This interdisciplinary workshop brings together researchers in information technologies, experts in educational sciences, as well as mediators of communities of practice (CoPs). As such, it turns out to be a true face-to-face opportunity for implementing participatory design as advocated within the PALETTE project. The objective of this approach is to provide CoPs members with truly acceptable social software for information production, knowledge management, and collaborative learning.

As stated by Denis Gillet from EPFL, creator of the eLogbook PALETTE service, “CoPs are effective environments to support learning by professionals, organisations and educational institutions. In the PALETTE project, CoPs members are shaping innovative collaboration solutions that will meet their real needs, and service developers are opening new interaction realms that will enhance CoPs practices and sustain their evolutions”.

Scientific coordination of PALETTE is headed by EPFL and University of Fribourg while the management of the project is ensured by ERCIM, the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics.

Contact: Nikos Karacapilidis, CTI Greece -
Published on Alphagaliléo and Cordis
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