2008 ePrep International Workshop, Gif-sur-Yvette, May 16 and 17, 2008 |
Having as its patrons Valérie PECRESSE, French Minister for Higher Education and Research, and Xavier DARCOS, French Minister for Education, this fourth edition of the ePrep Workshop (Supélec, Campus de Gif-sur-Yvette, May 16 & 17, 2008), on the theme “ ICT for Education, for which pedagogical efficiency?”, brought together 117 participants with 11 countries represented (Algeria, Belgium, Canada, China, Côte d'Ivoire, Djibouti, France, Italy, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Switzerland). It achieved the goals it set itself very successfully: to create the ideal environment for information and discussion, leading to a consensus as to the foundations for a programme of actions.
With an opening address by Patricia MANSON - Head of Unit Cultural Heritage and Technology Enhanced Learning, Directorate E, DG Infso, European Commission – and a plenary session entitled “The ePrep Community of Practice projects” moderated by Christine VANOIRBEEK - PALETTE Scientific Coordinator -, the 2008 ePrep International Workshop was an opportunity to disseminate PALETTE goals and achievements (with demonstrations of PALETTE tools and services in the “Practical demonstrations” Parallel Session).
The Workshop Proceedings are available online http://www.eprep.org/workshops/workshop08/workshop08.php
PALETTE project presented at ISO/IEC JTC1 SC36 plenary meeting - March 15-21, 2008, Jeju, Korea |
ISO/IEC JTC1/SC36 is leading the development of truly International standards and guidance in information technology for learning, education, and training (IT LET). The scope of SC36 is the Standardization in the field of IT LET to support individuals, groups, or organizations, and to enable interoperability and reusability of resources and tools. This event brought about 70 participants (representatives of 31 National Bodies and of IMS, ADL and IEEE). Stéphane Jacquemart (CRP Henri Tudor) has presented the work about generic models, meta-ontologies and O'CoPs, developed in the WG3 of the WP3 PALETTE project, to members of the Work Group 3 of SC36 which develops International Standards for Learner Information.
Knowledge Management Training - November 20-21, 2007 - Sophia Antipolis, France |
The Palette Training on Knowledge Management was organized by INRIA Sophia Antipolis and held on November 20-21 in Sophia Antipolis. Aimed at both Palette members and CoP mediators or members, it was attended by 18 persons coming from CRP HT, EM Lyon, INRIA Sophia, University of Fribourg and Universiy of Liege. The courses were given by members of INRIA, I3S and CRP HT and the practical work was organized by CRP-HT and INRIA..
The first day was dedicated to general courses on:
- Use of Semantic Web approach for Knowledge Management in Communities through the notion of Communitiy Semantic Webs
- Principles, methodologies and tools for Ontologies and Folksonomies
and to the presentation of two KM tools developed or used in the framework of WP3: the semantic wiki Sweetwiki and the tool for search and classification of documents, Bayfac.
The second day was dedicated to practical work on both tools: Bayfac and on Sweetwiki.
PALETTE project presented at Ni-Hao project conference - November 19-20, 2007 - Beijing, China. |
Future Internet/IPv6 and FP7: 2-day International Networking event in the context of the Ni-Hao Project
Ni-Hao is a project financed by the European Commission aimed at helping Chinese ICT enterprises and relevant research academies to realize the EU's specialized IST plan. The main goal of the Ni-Hao project is the establishment of a National IST Chinese Contact Point tasked with encouraging and facilitating the participation of the Chinese research and industry community and other parties interested in EU IST research projects and initiatives.
The particular event brought together about 600 participants (representatives of the Chinese research and industry community). Nikos Karacapilidis (CTI) delivered an invited talk, entitled "Supporting Collaboration, Enhancing Learning", through which he presented work beinghheld in the context of the PALETTE project.
Second ePrep International Thematic Seminar - November 5-6, 2007 - Lyon, France |
The Second ePrep International Seminar, on the theme "The ePrep Community of practice: which tools for which needs ?", was organised by ePrep at the Institut national des sciences appliquées de Lyon (INSA de Lyon), on November 5 & 6, 2007. The event brought together 50 participants from 8 countries (China, Côte d'Ivoire, France, Italia, Luxembourg, Morocco, Switzerland, Tunisia) and was a unique opportunity to discover the projects launched at the First ePrep Thematic Seminar (Sousse, October 30, 2006) by the members of the ePrep Community of Practice, thanks namely to the tools developed in the framework of the PALETTE project.
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